Thursday, July 22, 2010

¡¿Por Que?!

Yeah I’m pretty sure it works that way. I totally had to go Spanish on all of you for this one. The reason is because recently an update has been made for a game. After hearing it, I don’t think I’ve been so disappointed in an announcement in ever really. (Epic Mickey?) Oh, yeah…what I meant to say is: This is the most disappointing game announcement ever since Epic Mickey. I guess its better, but more to the point. I’ve been pretty excited for a little game called Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and the announcements so far have been pretty awesome. We got classic Spidey, Noir Spidey, and Spider-Man 2099 all in the game. 3 different dimensions so far and my bar was really high for the game. Even a few days ago this was announced:

Yeah Juggernaut was announced as a villain, pretty rad (I have no idea either), even though they probably have shown his whole appearance in this trailer; its still a nice addition. And now just yesterday Activision announced the fourth dimension and it is…..the Ultimate Universe. I’m sorry, but what?

Sure, you play as black suit spidey, but its so disappointing since there’s so many missed opportunities here. I mean this could have been Ultimate Spider-Man 2 for god sakes, it was an Xbox and PS2 game before. This should have never happened. I really had high hopes for this, but this really takes it down a lot of notches for me. There’s so many ways they could have gone with this. I would have been happy with any of these: Spider-Girl universe, Marvel Zombies Universe, or someone even mentioned a steam punk universe. Steam Punk, Activision. You guys feeling bad over there yet? Oh yeah, you already got problems…No. You know what. You guys deserve it. The Modern Warfare trail and other stuff. There I said it. Man, is Activision really dropping the ball lately. Even Spider-Ham may have been better than this…well maybe not. You know what would have been good? Spider-Man Manga universe. That would have been sweet. Probably couldn’t be done though. At least try Activision.

Pictures are owned by IGN.

Deadpool, Deadpool minions, and symbiote suit soften the blow, its still a pretty big blow though. Apparently Carnage is a villain somewhere in the Ultimate Universe as well. I won’t be playing this as soon as I thought. I won’t expect to buy this on September 7, 2010 when it swings around.

Sorry, Activision made me mad…Comic-Con will cheer me up.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

I was pulling for Spider-Man and his mecha Leopardon from the Japanese TV series.

Yeah there's a lot of missed opportunities here. Also Ultimate Deadpool sucks.