Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

X-Men Begins

Hey there everyone. Sorry haven’t been posting lately. Lots of school and almost no time to write about stuffs. Its only now that I get to actually have time to actually update this. Before we begin though, without further ado, the new X-Men: First Class trailer:

Awesome stuff. Doesn’t sound like James McAvoy may have much of an accent, but it is there.

Few changes may soon come to Inside the Briefcase as I make sense of things. Don’t worry it will be for the best. And hopefully the ads won’t seem like a distraction, I know how that can go.

Now video game news. Recently Sony unveiled pictures of their new gaming peripheral the NGP. *cough*NeoGeoPocket*cough* But its just a prototype name so it isn’t the official name yet. Just think of it as the PSP 2 for now. Here are some official pictures:

This little picture reveals some new stuff, including new software and a mention of mobile support. It is said that there will be more than one version. The other includes Wi-Fi support. This is already sounding expensive… (pictures are from engadget if you didn’t see the logo by now)

Now here’s one taken in person. Oooo shiny…


Here’s the back. Touchpad consists of the circle, triangle, square, and x symbols. Wonder why…

Comes with a built in camera as well. PSP is sad.

More buttons. Apparently the photographer was desperately trying to find a UMD drive and is disappointed to find none at all; I assume.

And a USB port. The touch pad on the back is also apparently shiny.

Well, here’s a couple more things about this thing that they make announcements about:

Hardware and Software

  • High-resolution, touch-sensitive OLED screen
  • Built-in WiFi
  • Wireless 3G connectivity
  • Tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS (remember that?) controls
  • Three-axis electronic compass
  • Built-in GPS
  • Front and back facing cameras
  • Buttons: D-Pad (up, down, left, right), dual analog sticks (finally), action buttons (triangle, circle, X, square), shoulder buttons (left, right), start, select, volume controls, PS button, power button
  • New LiveArea service and new application Near
  • Built-in mic
  • Built-in stereo speakers
  • Capacitative multi-touch pad on back of the device

Read here for more specs and details.

Now what's to make of Sony’s new system? Well for one thing, expect this thing to be pretty freaking expensive. So many features. And I believe to be the wrong features that will not make it sell as much as they want to. Here’s why:

Do I want one? No. Not right away anyway. I expect it to be expensive. Way more than a 3DS right now. There’s also nothing really getting me excited or anything that will make me want this thing. It seems way too excessive. 2 touch pads?

This thing also sounds like a smaller iPad with two different models. Both that feature either mobile or Wi-Fi support. Do we even need the mobile support? One thing that really turns me off about this thing is the touch software it uses when you first start it up. It looks like a PSP knockoff with really bad software. Why would they make it that way? I also even doubt the capabilities it supposedly says it does. PS3 graphics? I have no doubt it will be simulated, but it isn’t actual PS3 graphics. That’s BS on Sony’s part for making sound better than it is.

Sure it looks nice, but I’m afraid it may just become another PSP. Like mine. Gathering dust. Rarely played. And is mostly used for old PlayStation games. Unless I see something groundbreaking; No, thank you Sony.

In other news, hackers continue to make Kinect a lot better than what Microsoft did with it (Warning: Video contains footage from Dead Space 2, you may be scared and see spoilers):