Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween News Update

Hey just thought I would update since its been awhile in one huge post today. I am now back from New Jersey and my recent activity is catching up on some Halloween movies and other in relation to that I have missed to get the feel of Halloween. I have also decorated the page with a new Halloween banner and I will give a coke to someone who can guess what the theme of the banner is from (I myself won’t dress up since I was late to get a costume). We’ll here’s some updates for the week:

- Today Conan O’Brien asked a Monster Truck Driver to smash a huge pumpkin with awesome results. Also Conan almost got injured again.

- New Epic Mickey pictures were unveiled during the week, nothing too ground breaking yet, but its looking really good.

-I’ve been trying to get in all the Halloween movies I can for the week, which includes some of Trick ‘r Treat, The Exorcist (finally saw it), Enemy Mine (not a Halloween movie by the way), and some of Nosferatu. I also saw some Goosebumps while I was away and went back to some old episodes of Are you Afraid of the Dark? Yeah way behind…

- A new DSi was unveiled today apparently, not sure why. It is dubbed the DSi LL in Japan and in Europe: DSi XL. I bet you know where I’m going with this. Its still the DSi, but big surprise; its huge. Why? For the extremely hard to read and people with huge hands that’s why. I only wonder why it wasn’t released with the DSi as an added option. Yeah…

More pictures here.

- As an added note I am also watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose, another movie about Exorcism, and also saw The Office and 30 rock. Jim gave me a new Halloween costume idea. Yet, too little?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Disney is The New Dark

Disney has entered dark territory many times before, but I don't think its ever been like this. This somewhat depresses me since I have never seen anything Disney related to go into this dark path before. Well maybe in fan fiction, but this is actually real. Just take a look at this picture from Game Informer:

What is it? Its a new game from a new studio that is definitely going to take Disney down a path it has not known. As it says on the cover the title is called: Epic Mickey. And epic indeed, the style is quite different. Here is more chilling concept art:


Kingdom Hearts; this ain’t. I seriously can’t take more after this last one. It seems the studio is taking Disney to an Alien-Robotic Apocalyptic Hell and it seriously is scaring the crap outta me, and probably for all you other pre-Hanna Montana Disney days as well. Can’t wait to see it. Its a Wii exclusive and probably be ready for the first mature Disney or could be just a teen game. Very Mature overtones though. More will be revealed in London apparently on October 28. Just in time for Halloween I suppose…


From Game Informers New look as well:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reporting From New Jersey


In True Indiana Jones Fashion

Well its been a long week and forgive my lateness on my travel here, but I felt I needed a certain feel for the new New Jersey environment. And there’s one thing I have noticed most of all: There’s a lot of trees here. If there’s one thing I notice back in LA is the lack of trees and how there’s a bunch of smog. Here it seems very forest oriented. Not that there’s smog here I just notice many many trees. Well maybe I should go back to the beginning and my flight here which was back on September 12th and 13th. I don’t think I shall ever fly at night ever again. Its very dark, cramped, and I got a bit nauseous. It was my first flight ever after all. I did catch up a bit on my The Dark Knight Returns reading though.

I also thought my flight would be 6 hours, instead it was 3. Sleep also slipped my mind as I also figured out I will and lost 3 hours of sleep since of the new time change. I am now 3 hours ahead of people which sucks a bit once you think about it. Earth orbit and science sucks.

Well anyways, second flight was not too bad. I got an aisle seat, but since no one sat next to me I got a window seat instead and enjoyed the view which made me a bit nauseous again.

Also I should comment on the in-flight food: First flight which was a bit updated than the second one, wasn’t that great. All we get is free soft drinks (about a kids cup size) and pretzels. Pretzels make me very thirsty. I became very thirsty, I only got one drink. Did I mention I didn’t like my first flight? Second flight wasn’t too bad. The cookie they gave us was one of the best cookies I have ever eaten and I also experienced the restrooms for the first time which is very very small.

Well now in New Jersey the contact I was supposed to meet found me right away and went straight home. Well kinda, I unpacked and went to my contacts aunts house to pick up the bed I would sleep on and I helped to assemble the bed frame to make that story short.

Well now I am here, its been about 2 and a half weeks and its going pretty well, considering its nice here, but job hunt is going poorly unfortunately. I could be home soon since because of that. Oh well its pretty nice here though. There’s also another reason most people know about the contact I met with but all will be explained in time. I will report more next post. For now I am working on a holiday gaming post so stay tuned for that.