Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Movies In Need of a Re-Release Part 3

Welcome to another segment of Re-Releases that eventually do get a re-release. I seemed to have gotten it right with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last time, what about this time? Wonder what needs a new release now…

The Crow:

We certainly got a release for this, but I think its about time for a new one. One of Alex Proyas earliest films and earliest to be based on a graphic novel. There has been quite a bit of controversy with the movie, including the death of the main character and also something that involves the girl in the story to have the same fate as the mother within the movie in real life. I think a new release would give some more justice to the movie. Although new releases of the sequels, one including Angel, is something i hope they wont do. I was hoping they would have a new release for the directors new movie, but here’s hoping soon for the future and eventual Blu-Ray release. Also a quick note: Ernie Hudson was in this, in one of his better movie roles.

The Exorcist:

Just to let people know, I have never seen this, though I know how bad this needs a decent DVD release. I know my life wouldn’t be complete, and being a horror fan until I have seen this. Yep, I am missing out a lot these days and should be watching movies like this. There's also many different versions of the movie, if I recall, also many never before seen stuff. I gotta see this soon. This is one of the scariest pictures I have ever put on my blog. I am not going to sleep tonight…

Army of Darkness:

A classic Sam Raimi movie, which technically isn’t a horror movie, more like a spoof of his Evil Dead series. Still a great movie to watch. Their has been an HD version, but no Blu-Ray as of yet. The new set could be like the official Bootleg version which had tons of extras and an alternate ending which is said to be a myth (I exaggerate) but I have seen it. Also not really intended, it is Evil Dead 3 by some people. I still say its more like a spoof and I’m sure that's what he's implying. Could probably be released when he gets Evil Dead rebooted. Hail to the King, baby.

Hm, I always feel I am forgetting something, so again the Re-Release list Will Return (pointage to the terrible reference I made here).

For know, here’s some insight on what’s soon to come:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Criterion Editions:

Here’s something I have been meaning to speak up about. Its quite rare that a movie would go straight to Criterion. Usually older movies or Wes Anderson movies go to Criterion, but a movie like this is something entirely different. After hearing the news, it may be my first Criterion purchase since I missed it in theaters and now receiving a Criterion release is a definite purchase. What is Criterion you say? Its a certain DVD company which releases mostly old movies, including Orson Welles, and Wes Anderson type movies people probably never heard of. They are quite experienced in remastering movies which include improvement in image quality and sound quality. I just think the DVD covers they do and the name sounds nice:

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Blu-Ray Complete Set:

Probably a totally unnecessary I got to have this type of set, is soon going to be on Blu-Ray probably better than the DVD special edition set we got last year. They just don’t want to stop promoting this it seems. I only got the regular set and wasn’t really planning to buy the special edition set, I will probably get this one now. You gotta dig the box art though:

I realized I got a little behind on myself here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Dragon Ball Evolution

Not an actual comment on the Americanized movie itself, although we all know how much it will suck anyway, lots of new Dragon Ball stuff has been showing up from Japan for the 40th Anniversary of Weekly Jump. And also due to the fact of Dragon Ball’s anniversary. Been feeling a bit nostalgic of the anime lately after seeing this new Dragon Ball Z 40th Anniversary Special hit YouTube:

It also includes a new animated intro and cleaned up “Cha-La Head Cha-La” song. Seeing Krillin with hair in his Ki outfit is quite cool at the end of the intro also. After that it seems it was just a teaser for a real reimagining of a new Dragon Ball Z show called Dragon Ball Kai presented in High Def format with new animation and in widescreen quality. The new intro may take some getting used to and they use old animation to introduce the new anime to continue on from there. Yes its a remake and seems to be taking the path of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood by following closer to the manga. Its always nice to see new animation to an old show sometimes, but is this sounding a bit cliché now?

Well here’s the first Episode, just aired on April 5, 2009 in Japan and is everywhere on YouTube apparently. No attempts to sub it has been made as of yet. Also I haven’t actually seen any new animation in the first episode. Its mostly recap just to get to where they are going with Kai.

If anyone is interested in more Dragon Ball or future, Amazon is having a 50% off sale on all Dragon Ball titles in honor of the movie (only good thing to come out of the movie). Just click on the Dragon Ball, Z, or GT title and it should show as 50% off.

Just a note: is having a sale of their own, an anime online shop, with 39% on everything. Including Dragon Ball stuff and an extra 10% with a membership. If you want it cheaper, head for the RightStuf sale sine its also technically discounted before the sale. Complicated I know, but believe me its cheaper at RightStuf.


We say goodbye to a good friend we met on Angel. Our favorite Green Demon Monster from another dimension singing pal (no offense to Oscar the Grouch) Lorne. Or in the real world known as Andy Hallett. He passed away last weekend from a heart disease. You will be missed Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan.