Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Dragon Ball Evolution

Not an actual comment on the Americanized movie itself, although we all know how much it will suck anyway, lots of new Dragon Ball stuff has been showing up from Japan for the 40th Anniversary of Weekly Jump. And also due to the fact of Dragon Ball’s anniversary. Been feeling a bit nostalgic of the anime lately after seeing this new Dragon Ball Z 40th Anniversary Special hit YouTube:

It also includes a new animated intro and cleaned up “Cha-La Head Cha-La” song. Seeing Krillin with hair in his Ki outfit is quite cool at the end of the intro also. After that it seems it was just a teaser for a real reimagining of a new Dragon Ball Z show called Dragon Ball Kai presented in High Def format with new animation and in widescreen quality. The new intro may take some getting used to and they use old animation to introduce the new anime to continue on from there. Yes its a remake and seems to be taking the path of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood by following closer to the manga. Its always nice to see new animation to an old show sometimes, but is this sounding a bit cliché now?

Well here’s the first Episode, just aired on April 5, 2009 in Japan and is everywhere on YouTube apparently. No attempts to sub it has been made as of yet. Also I haven’t actually seen any new animation in the first episode. Its mostly recap just to get to where they are going with Kai.

If anyone is interested in more Dragon Ball or future, Amazon is having a 50% off sale on all Dragon Ball titles in honor of the movie (only good thing to come out of the movie). Just click on the Dragon Ball, Z, or GT title and it should show as 50% off.

Just a note: RightStuf.com is having a sale of their own, an anime online shop, with 39% on everything. Including Dragon Ball stuff and an extra 10% with a membership. If you want it cheaper, head for the RightStuf sale sine its also technically discounted before the sale. Complicated I know, but believe me its cheaper at RightStuf.


We say goodbye to a good friend we met on Angel. Our favorite Green Demon Monster from another dimension singing pal (no offense to Oscar the Grouch) Lorne. Or in the real world known as Andy Hallett. He passed away last weekend from a heart disease. You will be missed Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan.


Anthony said...

I'm not sure if I'd call Dragonball Kai a remake since it's comprised almost entirely of the original animation, but at the same time it's certainly more than just a remastering. It's hard to classify.

I watched the first episode hours after it aired in Japan. I really enjoyed it.

Joob said...

I think Bubba was reading a review on the new Dragon Ball Evolution movie. This one dude said that the movie was going to be so crappy that it was going to be cool. Hehe. xD I think this was said before the movie itself came out. I'm not sure how it is but are you going to see?

Awwwww, I loved that dude in angel. That's sad. I'm sad....aww....