Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome Back to Paper

Hey welcome to another post were I was actually being creative for once. Just recently got into a very underrated new craft like origami which involves printing out cartoon or other pop culture characters, and making them in a block like person. Thus the term papercraft (yeah I actually have no idea, I’m just stating what I know so far). So I first started small, making Ninja Turtles characters, which haven’t been shown yet. But then I started with super gluing papercraft and made this next creation:


Yeah, even if I did use super glue; I forgot super glue still shows through paper and makes a mess like regular glue. Still, it stays better. Here’s another angle:


It’s pretty close to the actual Big Daddy in the wallpaper, right? Well there’s a reason I am starting papercraft and the reason I won’t disclose at this time. But I did realize another thing while making this papercraft; and that is just like regular glue I am still messy with super glue thus having to wash my fingers vigorously off and my fingernail is now fused with super glue:


1 comment:

Anthony said...

Looks sweet.

Try not to glue yourself next time.