Friday, January 30, 2009

Cobra Commander Makes An Appearance!…..?

Alright I'm no true G.I. Joe fan, but I have seen Cobra Commander and seen what he looks like. I have also seen the G.I. Joe movie and even seen a few episodes when I was a kid. Even if I were to make the movie, I would make it stay true through everything and even bring back Sgt. Slaughter. These Images were seen on the internets and I have to say, its looking worse every time something's leaked:


These are claimed to be Identity cards of characters that haven't really been seen yet. Well Breaker has been seen, but not the others. I don't know about the Cobra Viper yet, (Which I believe to be Destro because of this upcoming reason:) but “The Doctor” aka Cobra Commander, yes I said it, looks retarded as hell. So does Zartan, but back to The Doctor; I only know this because they say that's Joseph Gordon-Levitt under the mask. Can it be true though? I also have reason to believe that somehow within the movie, he’s either in a disguise before he becomes the commander or that's really how retarded he looks. And what's with the monocle? Is it supposed to look “evil”? Start your mourning…

Update 1/31:

A quite impressive, yet over use CGI-ish 10 second preview of the Super Bowl trailer.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Well The Doctor is somewhat similar to Dr. Mindbender in that he's a doctor who works for Cobra and has a monocle. I don't think he actually is Dr. Mindbender though.

It could be Cobra Commander. From what I've read Joseph Gordon Levitt will be wearing a lot of makeup for the role. I certainly don't have high expectations.

Switching gears for a moment, what's the deal with Zartan? So he's just a dude in a suit? No hood or tattoos? Master of disguise indeed.