Monday, June 4, 2012

E3 Day 1 - Part 1: Microsoft Bombs

Well, in a surprising turn of events, looks like Ubisoft has the most interesting line up of games, compared to both Microsoft and EA. It was literally the worst conference I have ever seen of Microsoft which focuses more on small dashboard updates, Kinect games, few confusing Arcade games, and Sports. I think Microsoft is very lost right now. The only promising things we got from the conference was Halo 4, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Tomb Raider and surprisingly a South Park game. I don't watch South Park a lot, but watching Matt Stone and Trey Parker come out and telling it like it is was the biggest highlight of the whole show. I mean listen to this amazing line:

This was seriously the conference in a nutshell. Plus dancing and Usher for some reason. Well to avoid the rest of the hell the made conference boring and hard to watch, here's the trailer and Gameplay for Halo 4:

Great beginning. I'm so sorry the rest of the show wasn't like this. At least you get to skip to the good parts here. Now for gameplay:

Not bad. Interesting looking villains. Looks like a true sequel. Will launch later this year and I look forward to it as a Halo fan. You can look at Splinter Cell: Blacklist footage here. Its not a bad game. It just doesn't seem important. Kinect stuff can be cool at times though. I'm sure it will be good. Now after a bunch of other stuff that wasn't entirely important like tablet configuration and other apps no one will really care about; its unto Tomb Raider:

I thought this looked really cool. Even if it was compared to Uncharted constantly. Which I'm tired of. Its not exactly, but people like to throw the "clone" thing around if it looks too much like another game they seem to love. I think Tomb Raider looks fantastic either way. They are really taking it to Lara Croft this time too.

Now lets look at some Resident Evil 6 footage shall we?:

Oh, boy. This game. I really thought Capcom had returned to better ways with Resident Evil: Revelations. But there's more action in this game than the last game, just by this trailer alone. Yes we have zombies again, but they really make it a cliche with this game. It was very underwhelming, unless you think otherwise. This was only a small piece though, hopefully we see better things in future footage.

Now that the conference was over Game Trailers was able to show us some really nice Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance footage. This might be my favorite game at the show now:

Eh, why not. Here's the South Park: The Stick of Truth:

Part 2 of the highlights of EA and Ubisoft will come a little later. As well as Part 3 of Sony's conference.


Anthony said...

These all look amazing.

I was completely duped by the Halo 4 gameplay trailer. When the Chief came across the Covenant, I was all "Here we go again" and than the Elite was disintegrated by a robot's laser.

Is Tomb Raider really an Uncharted clone? I find it far more interesting than I ever did Uncharted.

Okay so Resident Evil 6 isn't survival horror but I wasn't expecting it to be and the series hasn't been survival horror since Resident Evil 3. What can you do? These games are expensive and action games sell better. And I think the story has just escalated too far to be told as a horror tale. It looks like the whole world's gone to hell.

Revengeance still looks great. It's got a manga vibe with its ridiculous violence. I loved when Raiden reaches into the flying mess of body parts and grabs and crushes the energy thing.

Gabriel said...

Yeah I do find Tomb Raider a bit more interesting myself. It sorta looks similar but not really. Theres no witty comebacks.

As much as I complain about Resident Evil; I'll keep buying it.