Friday, May 21, 2010

30 Years Since We Have Known Darth Vader To Be Luke's Father

Wow its been 30 years already. Where was I when Empire Strikes Back premiered? Well, I wasn't conceived yet, (8 years later) so I was probably squirming around still in my fathers...well you get the idea. But I don't really remember the first time I saw this movie either. Which doesn't make matters worse entirely. I knew right away when I saw the Star Wars series that I was going to be a Sci-fi fan though. My life is not devoted entirely to Sci-fi, but Star Wars still holds a place in my heart for being the movie [trilogy] (or franchise now) that it is. Even if I don't remember my first time watching Empire Strikes Back; it is the Star Wars movie I have watched most. It is truly one of the best movie's I will ever watch. I would dare say that it may be one of the best movie's ever made, but everyone has a different opinion (which I respect in some way).

Because of this movie we have seen countless parodies; wither it be in movies, TV shows, or other fan made stuff which aren't so good. I think the single best one I have seen, well not being a parody, is from The Simpsons which when we see a flashback of Homer and Marge go on a date to see the movie. Luckily I found a clip:

The unfortunate part is that they cut a line from Homer when a random moviegoer shouts "Way to ruin the ending!" and Homer responds "Well, its fairly obvious!" Ah, good times.

Not only did this movie give us the famously shocking line, but also a badass character which we all wish to be, but can never be. Of course I am speaking of Lando Calrissian. Probably also one of the biggest backstabber's in cinema history. What I really mean here is Boba Fett. (Boba Fett was introduced in the Holiday special, but notice I said bounty hunters in the Star Wars universe) He may have a bit of screen time, but it introduced to us bounty hunters in the Star Wars universe and the existence of Mandalorians. Of course we won't know this for a few years after or through book form, I really don't know or remember. But somehow we find out.

Well anyway, we have also seen a DVD version of the movie. Multiple DVD versions. I think this is the best one of the movies to be remastered and have a few added scenes and none of which were altered. Nobody shoots first and we don't get a weird song which probably has no relevance or meaning to the movie. Instead we get a clearer picture an extra wampa scene and still a great movie. If something wasn't satisfactory, I'll remember in a moment. Either way I say its the best out of the revisions. Actually now that I remember they did redo that scene with Emperor Palpatine talking to Darth Vader about their plans for Luke Skywalker. Sure it had to be done, but maybe it felt too forced. Well, its still better than a new song or an altered scene.

Empire Strikes Back will always be in my memory, since I know every line from the movie and seen it a bunch of times, but its still a great movie anyways. Its also quite a step up from the first movie. Darth Vader's helmet is polished, (I'm totally serious on that one. Watch the first movie and it looks like it needs a wax.) to the great puppetry of Yoda (done by Jim Henson's workshop of course), and to the movie evolving lightsaber duels. This movie has everything. Now with that said I would like to end this with something that has been on my mind for a long time. I remember watching a show when I was a kid in which Steven Spielberg directed and involves Kevin Costner, a cartoonist, a WWII plane and for some reason yellow tires on this plane. I couldn't for the life of me remember said show and exactly what happened....until now:


Anthony said...

I don't remember my first time watching Empire Strikes Back either. I was told I enjoyed it up until Luke's mutilation. Than I was traumatized.

I wouldn't say ESB has been released on DVD multiple times. It's been released twice. Only one of those versions has the Emperor with ape eyes. That's the preferred Palpatine.

I used to watch the intro of Amazing Stories whenever it came on, but I don't know if I ever watched an episode.

Gabriel said...

My parents always tell me that story. They were the ones that showed you the movie.

Well there have technically been 3 releases. If you want to count the second release bundled with the unaltered VHS quality DVD.

The intro was great too, I just remembered watching this certain episode. I also remember one with Mark Hamill, but it may be another series similar of quirky events.