Friday, September 4, 2009

Time to Say It

This will probably be at least a very personal post, but this is something I have been planning very quietly in the dark of my bat cave (my room) for quite some time. Because of how messy the timing and how short a time it is, I may not be gone for long, depending on circumstances. I cannot really explain every single detail, but I have decided to very quietly take a leave of absence to the very faraway state of New Jersey. This will happen in a little more than a week. The reason I cannot fully explain is because I am not really sure how to explain myself. There is no reason for this, but one would be I would like to travel one day, and this is just a small start of it.Maybe I wanted to try something new, I cannot fully say. I do know I want to do some new things which include visiting some conventions coming very soon to New York, which is right next to New Jersey if you don’t know your geography well. I can very well report the happenings of the Anime Festival and Wizard World New York. Again I cannot fully extend the reasons for my actions I just thought I would do this for a little while or long while; depending on circumstances once again. I will be back again though, so things may be borrowed from my room as long as it is returned. I will also so I will be in fact be back by the time of the holidays. I am just rambling on with that, but I surely will be back. Future updates can be posted for updates on myself and what life is like in New York (its going to be bad). Well time to make the switch with Conan O’Brien and see what’s going on there, the unfortunate thing is they have Jimmy Fallon and not Conan anymore, but they still got David Letterman, right? Well, anyways only thing left to say is adios, and see you again soon family, friends (who are reading this), and Los Angeles.

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