Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The End is Here

Well in terms of Watchmen movie anyway. Many mixed things coming from people all around. Could this be a good thing or bad thing? Well it does show just how complex this story is, even including on film. Yes I have seen it, and yes it deserves another viewing for me to completely deliberate what I have seen. Maybe twice more. There's one thing I can say is is that; Yes it is incredibly fantastic. Unfortunately this is no review so that's probably all I will say. I need to see this in IMAX to complete just how much blown away I was while watching this. I also need to read the novel a few times once again just to get my fill. After reading it I never actually thought I would say; I have watched the Watchmen.

There is also news about how much the Watchmen has made and which confuses some by why should it? The economy is in a rut and its a rated R superhero movie. I am surprised by how much it actually made. Around 55 million is a nice number for a movie like this. I bet it will be watched again this weekend for further analysis as I will do. Well at least there’s still time to watch the Watchmen.

Also if you don’t know by now what Watchmen is, and was leaving under a rock all this time; Go buy it now!

Random note: I gotta get this soon.

To the person who thought of this first (AFOS):

They stole your idea.

Last bit of awesome news to Bioshock fans, all you need is this picture to explain all:

Its called a Big Sister and your welcome.


Anthony said...

Don't blame me. I voted for Kovacs.

The Big Sister doesn't explain it all. It just leaves me with more questons!

Gabriel said...

I wasn't blaming you, I thought you started something like that first and that person stole your idea.

Well your welcome then.

Anthony said...

I was just making the "Don't blame me. I voted for.." joke. You know about elected officials and whatnot.