Before I begin to even articulate just what I have just read, from 2 websites mind you, I still have to recollect myself for what I have just witnessed.
OK now.
The game console that may actually destroy Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, and PS3 is coming soon. It could also be hardly called a Console, more like a little black box that lets you play games in High Def either on your laptop that doesn’t require any gaming hardware AT ALL or either on your TV in High Def. What is this magic game box you ask? This my friends is called the OnLive.
I do know it works in a way how YouTube works. No downloads needed, just all through network streaming, and no lag.I also know about skeptics, since its been tried before:
A box full of suck (Has nothing to do with you AFOS).
So will it work? The developers say yes, but we will either have to wait for the beta to be out in Summer ‘09 or wait for the full release in Winter. As far as I know, most video game enthusiast websites says it does work. Others may have to wait for time to tell. I say if its gotten this far, it most certainly works, but then again time will tell as well.
So what say you? I’m on board. If too expensive ? I may have to wait as well. In the meantime, you can sign up to be a beta tester here:
The Nintendo Wii also seems to be taking a beating at the GDC this year in the wake of the Xbox 360’s new peripheral:
What seems the point of the Wii now? Or the Wii’s Motion Plus with Microsoft’s GameTrak Freedom on the horizon? Well this will either head towards Nintendo’s fun games or Xbox 360’s next gen graphics.
A new war is brewing and I am scared.
Eh it'll just be another piece of vaporware. The gaming industry is too crowded as it is, especially for a company with no real history within it.
This feels similar to how our debate may go:
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