Well Summer has past and gone by, at least for me anyway. A new semester has started so blogging may take longer than usual now. My classes are somewhat good, unfortunately I have an 8:00AM class so I will be more tired than I ever have been before. Although it is piano, so it somewhat subtle of a class. Other classes on my list is a class called Motion Picture & Television/Radio, and Lettering and Typography; both ranging in good classes. Another class year, more ways of becoming incredibly lazy and days involving procrastination. Besides school, this summer has still not ended for most people. What do they look forward to? Perhaps the recent movies that have just been released such as Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (If your a fan), and/or another round of The Dark Knight (Especially in IMAX). Nothing much else as happened unless you are keeping up with the Beijing 2008 Olympics or have yet to be in school (for you Floridians) and have been preparing or in the approaching storm. Well whatever the case here are the top five events that have happened during summer just for fun:
#5: Bigfoot Corpse in a freezer; A hoax or not? -
This was solved a few days ago: A hoax. Don't believe it until it is
proven, especially from the same guys who said they found a corpse a couple years earlier. This was not only disappointing, but again we were fooled to believe something that clearly resembles a monkey suit with fake teeth and fake guts sticking out. The picture most people have saw was unclear, but still smelled of a hoax. We should have disproved it right away when DNA results came back of that of an Opossum.
#4: Iron Man was good? -
But sadly the video game was not. Yes, most people were skeptical
(like myself) at first of the new Iron Man movie with the rejuvenated Robert Downey Jr. helmed the huge part and become an instant success. Who knew? I sure didn't, at first I thought it was going to be another Hulk, but it ended up being really funny and really cool. Robert Downey Jr. was really funny in this and see him even more funnier as he portrays the part of an African American in the new Tropic Thunder movie.
#3: Comic-Con '08 -
I say its big since it is the biggest Comic Book convention ever, but I
actually got to go to it. Yep, I went for one day and it was one heck of an event. Lines were a bit long, but weren't anymore since we arrived late on account of a traffic accident. Don't ask. It was cool though, we saw a few celebrities, didn't get to the autographs section or see any panels, but this was my first year and was a good day. We got a semi close-up of Alfie, a hover ship from the upcoming Watchmen movie, some new toys, and what else? The Comics. I'm sure we will se more next year. Right?
#2: Michael Phelps Wins 8 and Chinese at the Olympics controversy -
Olympics are still going on, but I got to admit, I haven't kept up with most of the Olympics, although what I did see was two of Phelps' Gold wins. Especially the really close 10ths of a second win which blew my mind. You seriously have to have lightning fast arms to do something like that. (You can see Michael Phelps' picture above along with all the other mayhem) I also saw the gymnastics with the super young Chinese girls, which is still in controversy. As well as the fake fireworks, the Chinese singing girl perfection (actually probably not the right term), and other wins by the Chinese and other countries. All mostly paranoia, but I still dislike the fact about the singer controversy.
Honorable Mentions: California 5.4 Earthquake and Fires -
Anyone else feel that? The reason these didn't make the list is because; no one really talks about it. Sure the fires are serious deal to the people who live within the area, but the earthquake was relatively small compared to the past. Most people thought it was big since its been a while since their has been one. Although it also has said it is just the beginning and just paves the way for an even bigger earthquake. We doing anything about it?: Not really...no.
Indiana Jones, Mulder and Scully return to the big screen -
What a summer for movies this year, we got to see not only Hellboy and Hulk, but Indy and our favorite paranormal FBI investigators come back to the big screen. Indy was a fun adventure I say, but X-Files seemed like an old episode from the past. It was cool to see them back but was mostly for the fans. Yeah I'm a fan and enjoyed it as well as Indiana Jones.
Now that we got through all that, what is the most thing that has shaked the industry more than the earthquake?:
#1: The Dark Knight Premieres -
What else? Being on top for 5 (I think) straight weeks is no easy feat
with all the other movies that have premiered. Its one heck of a movie. From start to finish, you will enjoy every minute of it. Unless your one of those people who drift out too easily for some odd reason, you should enjoy it. Its even on its way to defeat Titanic from being the top grossing movie ever. But most importantly is Heath Ledger's fantastic performance as The Joker. He's the man of the hour and is what makes this movie great along with everyone else. This is one thing Joker can't make disappear.