Wednesday, July 23, 2008
E3 2008 Press Conferences and Comic-Con ' 08 Coverage
Yeah, I have been covering E3 poorly. So make up for it; here are the conference videos for all system publishers which I have yet to see. I know Microsoft did better this year so here is Microsoft's conference first and also the comic a sent a link for which pretty much sums up E3.To go to the next part of the conferences just click it in the sidebar within the video:
Here's Nintendo's:
And Playstation's Lackluster conference. God of War 3 though!:
And here's the Fallout 3 demo just for fun, since the last one didn't work out so well. Who else like's the mini-atomic bomb?:
Also most of you know that tomorrow I am heading off to Comic-Con. I just bought a new camera so I should be taking a massive amount of pictures of the days event. You can check out the main website here for all programs and schedules. And of course G4TV will be covering the event way better than I ever will. Even though it isn't as perfect, they still cover much more than I would anyway. Well I'll post pics when I get back and perhaps I might be on TV, way in the back from the other on lookers.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
New Spirit Trailer and E3 2008 Video Game Trailers
Not much to say, but enjoy the trailers! The Game trailers were unveiled at E3. Also another note: The Dark Knight is this Friday and I shall be going to Comic-Con! Without further adieu, here are the E3 and new movie trailers:
I want to play this now, we have been waiting for years!:
For Fallout 3, there's four parts to the demo, so don't miss them!
More ways to be scared:
Superman Fatalities eh?:
Can't wait for more ways to play in the Halo Universe:
More Resident Evil fun:
Classic Mega Man? Sign me up!:
Why isn't this out for Xbox 360?:
Those were just a few of my favorite game trailers from E3 2008. You can find more trailers from E3 here from our good friends at IGN. Lots of good trailers as well as Guitar Hero 4 is looking more awesome. Also Penny-Arcade pretty much sums up E3 in a simple, yet effective comic. First part being Xbox's conference, then Nintendo, and finally PlayStation. Yeah, PlayStation is not doing too well.
Bonus Movie Trailer:
Thought it was over? Here's a trailer that's came by surprise and went online a little too early, and was supposed to premiere with The Dark Knight. Here it is anyway's if you can't wait :
(Double-Click for better quality)
Another Bonus: New link for Watchmen in the movie trailer links.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Movie Reviews and Other Random Stuff.
Quite an interesting day really. Saw Wanted today(or yesterday rather since it is around 1:00am), free movie tickets to see The Dark Knight in IMAX was passed out by the Joker himself and Comic-Con madness. Did I get free Joker tickets? Nope I was watching Wanted while it happened and just happened to be a case of being at a place, and a somewhat off time. Am I disappointed that I didn't get a free ticket? Nope. I'm gonna see it the first day in IMAX anyway's, so it doesn't matter. I saw movie so I was entertained, nothing bad with that. Plus I hung out with a rather wild bunch, I could go into it more but a 'wild bunch' pretty much describes it. Nothing bad, just all very hyper, and was quite a funny and interesting bit I went through. Yes, many random things happened as well as something about the ending of Wanted being made fun of. Well enough talk, here's the Wanted Review:
The only way I can describe this movie is that; the action is superb and well made, its just the story or the script seems to have its problems. The movie is really interesting and action packed, almost non-stop really. Lots of moments were you ask: How'd they do that? There's also quite a few awkward moments, moments in which you just find funny, and not in the good way. This is were the acting is a little so-so. Somehow the directing gets somewhat lost or confused and they just don't know how to do the scene; so they just do the best they can and it becomes quite awkward as I said. Is this movie good?: Yeah. A good summer movie?: Sure. They are both there, it just could have been done way better. Good action, fast, and so-so acting. This movie gets three and a half stars.
Now on to another review; Hancock which I saw a week ago:
A little similar to Wanted, this one just has chock full of CGI effects. Although this one has more of an interesting storyline. At first the movie is somewhat slow and we see stuff we have seen already from trailers. Hancock is a somewhat anti-superhero who saves the day in his own way; by costing millions in city repairs. The movie goes from slow to fast in the storyline, then it becomes slow again, but this time at a more steady pace. The tone completely changes in the middle of the story. You start to learn more things, yet there are also problems. Most things are explained, yet something's also become unanswered. This movie is quite funny in different ways, but the mood also changes which turns into a serious tone. Interested in a generic summer popcorn movie?: Then enjoy this one. This one also gets three and a half stars.
I don't have any more reviews at the moment. Later this week I will have DVD reviews for Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth (The Labyrinth of the Faun to some). Yeah I know these are old, but if anyone's interested in a new yet old movie review.
Comic-Cons not making it easy for some of us who want more than one ticket. As I learned, yet may not be the case you can only buy one ticket at a time, but also you may have to put in all your information in if you want to buy another. That last part may not be true, since I have yet to try it, but its not easy. I got to get tickets by tomorrow since they already posted Thursdays' schedule.
Picture of the Day:
Been doing some summer cleaning by moving around the DVD's in my shelf. They aren't in any real general order, I'm not so obsessive about that, but my anime DVD's finally get to have some fresh air since they have been in the back for a while. Now I get to show off my anime collection:
At least its better than last time, I had DVD's stacked on the top and was taking too much room.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Updated: Batman: Gotham Knight DVD Store Exclusives and Review.
A very rare, yet, quite awesome thing happens once in a while. A movie or adaptation gets recognized and is then organized to be made in a series of stories by the top minds of screenwriting and Japanese Animation is used to create those stories. And this is what we have here. Similar to the Animatrix, it is very unique and quite a mesmerizing experience to see Batman in another shape or form. In this DVD there are 6 very short stories that show Batman in not just different uniforms, but what also makes Batman; Batman. The stories deepen into Bruce Wayne's Psyche, much like Batman Begins. One thing people may not like the stories is that it shows a much different Batman than everyone is used to. The Dark Knight is still very violent and awesome, but still has that side of no killing and hatred for guns. Here is the artwork for the DVD's if your much into that sort of stuff:
Single Disk Version
Two Disk Version
Here's what come's with the 2 disk version. Disk one is most likely all that comes with the single disk version. The DVD's also come with special $3 concession stand money to see The Dark Knight. What ever happened to movie money? Also the 2 disk versions come with Batman: The Animated series episodes (Heart of Ice, I Am the Night, Legends of the Dark Knight, and Over the Edge), and two very well made documentaries. One of the shorts and the movie in general is loosely based on one of the episodes: Legends of the Dark Knight.
Now here are the Store Exclusives for the DVD, well most of what I know.:
Best Buy: This may be the best out of the bunch, which comes in a slick Steelbook DVD cover and a handy guide to DC characters within the movie (Book is made by the same people who made the Star Wars description guide, big details nonetheless). Here are some pics of the Steelbook, which is also the one I bought:
Many Best Buy stickers, but on the shrink wrap. The Security stickers are easy to take off. The description of it being the first PG-13 animated Batman feature ever; is somewhat misleading. The Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker movie was technically the first.
Side by side comparison. The original 2 Disk Version looks somewhat more unique and shiny. Single disk has plain artwork as usual.
Target: Comes with a Bonus disk with Batman Beyond episodes. I say; eh.
Circuit City: A Batman Patch.
Wal-Mart (Update by Blog writer from AFOS): Single Disk Lenticular Cover
Other Stores: No idea, people may want to post the rest in the comments.
This DVD is quite entertaining and may only be for Batman enthusiasts and anime fans. Not so much Batman fans in general unfortunately.
Video of the Day:
Monday, July 7, 2008
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Pop quiz: What other movie includes the saying: "Klaatu Barada Nikto?"
Answer: Army of Darkness directed by Sam Raimi (Also director of Spider-man movies and Evil Dead movies). It was told to Ash to remember the words to obtain the Book of the Dead to go back to his own time. Very entertaining movie, so you should take a look at it as well.
Movie Posters that look like other Movie Posters:
Just thought I insert an extra little thing. I saw two movie posters the other day that were for two different movies, but almost look the same. I think its quite amusing since this happens a lot. Maybe they had the same photoshop person working for them? Maybe they wanted to so something the same since the movie releases maybe so close? Whatever the case its always a good laugh. Even the movie Bangkok Dangerous had to do a new movie poster probably because of the same problem? Who knows, I just know I have no interest in the movies from the posters right now (Watch them become best picture at the Oscar's...):
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
E3 2008 Predictions and KH Game(s!) Reveal.
It almost that time of year again when the press and people who have some kind of way to get in one of the biggest conventions of the year: E3 2008. If some of you don't know by now, E3 is the biggest Expo's of the year and only in Los Angeles. Aside from Anime Expo, which I am unfortunately gonna miss another year of, this one is huge. Which all they show are new games, many surprises, and some well known rumors, this is the place to see these games. Unfortunately for most people, like me, have to sit at home and watch the event on G4 and envy the people who somehow get there. What do you have to be? Either part of the press or know someone that works at a big gaming store and somehow get a pass. E3 isn't open for the public kids and it is what makes E3 so exclusive. E3 is the place were big game developers show off the new games to VIP gamers or tease new games without any gameplay yet. E3 is also the best place to see some great surprises. Here I will compile a list of the games that have been officially announced and games I predict will make a surprise showing at this years E3 2008 Expo:
Well I sorta lied, here's IGN's official list for E3. IGN has a better description than what I have for E3, but remember not all the games are there. Not many games, but one of the biggest on the list is Soulcalibur IV. And I have a feeling, not all the characters have been announced yet. See this game on PS3 and Xbox 360.
Now on to the predictions:
- Well my first prediction, which probably won't happen, but could is another Batman game based on the new Dark Knight movie. I have been talking about Batman too much, but I predict this game won't suck like the others. Somehow this game is also going to be a free roaming game. Doesn't that sound awesome? Cruising around Gotham your Bat-Tank, Bat-Pod, or possibly Bat-Jet sounds awesome right? Hopefully the game will be like this since I thought it was a good idea.
- The announcement of the Xbox 180 or a portable Xbox system. Yeah a long shot, but I can dream right? Either this or the announcement of a new system. Xbox has got to have something up their sleeves.
- A new Announcement of more PSP features: Now bare with me here, the PSP has got a lot of hidden potential. Right now, there isn't many features or games at all. Where's the original Metal Gear Solid Playstation download? The Internet feature is still cool, but still old and could be so much better. When can we watch YouTube or other flash videos? Skype on anything we use? We need something here, the PSP is falling way behind in the next generation of games. C'mon stop screwing around with us Sony and get back in the game! (Pun? You be the judge of that)
- Wii is going to have another awesome year: Yeah like every year since the product was first announced, the Wii has always been the best of show with its awesome controls and fun games. Not as nice looking as the other consoles, but Nintendo has never really been about that. That's what makes its games so unique and innovative. Not really a prediction, but I predict it will be awesome for another reason; An announcement for another Wii interact kind of item? Which kind you say? I can't say either, I just now its going to be awesome.
- Peter Jackson's Halo Project: Will this be the year? Will this finally be the continuation of more Halo games? We'll just have to wait and see. This was announced around the Halo movie fiasco, when Peter Jackson had troubles with New Line and settled on making more Halo games for now. Bring on the more Halo-age!
- More secrets: What else is in store for E3? Metal Gear Solid 4: Substance for the Xbox 360? Fall of PS3? (An evil thought of mine, which seems somewhat likely with the drop if sales, but we know Sony has an infinite amount of money) New system announcement? A killer app? A lightsaber game for the Wii other than Star Wars: Unleashed? We will just have to wait and see...possibly...Kingdom Hearts 3?
Japan has already announced a mix of Kingdom Hearts games and I have a feeling they will all be announced for America at E3 as well. Japan has announced 3 games so far. A game for the cell phone or mobile, PSP, and Nintendo DS. And all three either have titles and screens for.
The Kingdom Hearts game for the DS seems the most secretive at the moment with the title: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days. A way confusing title, but has much to do with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. You can read about it more here.
The mobile game titled Kingdom Hearts: Coded is also a bit secretive. It has a few screens, but as I see it, not much can be told at the moment. Something about a bug and what not. Graphics look somewhat excellent on a mobile phone, but seeing as Japan having more of a better phone than us; I just wonder how it will be ported.
Now Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep seems like a different kind of monster, which is being released for the PSP. As shown by screens, it is focusing on characters from the secret movie from the Japan Only game: Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix. It is also said to be played a bit like Chain of Memories, which decks will be used. It also isn't my favorite type of gameplay. You can read about it and see screens here.
- Thought it was over? Maybe not. As with Nintendo Power revealed an odd but very obvious clue:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Why Must We Wait?
Alright I'm back with a few updates. I just started a new job which is why I have been so long, but good news is I will have much more reviews for movies since of the job I have taken.
- Yes, I now work at a movie theater called Krikorian Theaters. These are the semi-new theaters which present movies in Digital Projection which shows the best way to watch a movie. Much like IMAX only on a little smaller of a screen. I have seen two movies here and the quality is one of the greatest I have seen. I have watched Iron Man and The Happening here. Iron Man was great, The Happening; not so much. I also have a great benefit here which lets me watch free movies, unfortunately was taken away once I got hired. And I still don't know when I'm getting that back either. I still really want to watch The Incredible Hulk, Wanted, and Wall-E which are out now.
- The Dark Knight cannot come out any sooner. This is the one movie, as you know by now, that I have been waiting to see all year. I thought it was coming out much sooner as well, but its not till just a few weeks. Tickets are also selling like hotcake's online now. I am just hoping it won't sell out around here in IMAX. The online marketing campaign is also almost over for the Joker as he just updated his Why So Serious website. Also check out the new poster here.
- Ever been to Gaia Online? As a friend of mine briefly explains it here, its one of the most quickly growing and top website's on the internets right now. Its a good way to meet new friends, customize your own avatar (or avi to most) to your own style or liking. For many months Gaia has been saying the many ways they want to make their place grow by making their own combat flash based system type thing. Thing is they weren't lying. They have developing this thing for years. It might have been announced at Anime Expo or something, but anyway's here's the full report from IGN.
- Remember I did that post were there's DVD that are in desperate need of a Re-Release? Well the DVD gods must be listening since they listened; partially. There is now a re-release ready for The Nightmare Before Christmas. Yes! Before the DVD was widescreen, but not anamorphic (Not sure what this means? Go back to my post). Unfortunately I don't think the DVD has the special Disney True 3-D on the thing, so you just might have to wait till you see it again in theaters. My cousin has the video here. See the DVD in late August.
- Death Note fans, the series is about to end on Adult Swim soon so have your TiVo's set to record the finale on Saturday since the last two episodes are about the greatest anime endings I have ever seen anyway's. And possibly soon in anime history so don't miss it.
- Thought The Dark Knight updates were over? Well here's a last one, but this requires either a Domino's pizza online account or have your last order number ready since Domino's has an exclusive website for those who just ordered. Just go to the Domino's website and there's a link to the vault which needs some type of verification. The site includes previous downloads and a new exclusive trailer.