It almost that time of year again when the press and people who have some kind of way to get in one of the biggest conventions of the year: E3 2008. If some of you don't know by now, E3 is the biggest Expo's of the year and only in Los Angeles. Aside from Anime Expo, which I am unfortunately gonna miss another year of, this one is huge. Which all they show are new games, many surprises, and some well known rumors, this is the place to see these games. Unfortunately for most people, like me, have to sit at home and watch the event on G4 and envy the people who somehow get there. What do you have to be? Either part of the press or know someone that works at a big gaming store and somehow get a pass. E3 isn't open for the public kids and it is what makes E3 so exclusive. E3 is the place were big game developers show off the new games to VIP gamers or tease new games without any gameplay yet. E3 is also the best place to see some great surprises. Here I will compile a list of the games that have been officially announced and games I predict will make a surprise showing at this years E3 2008 Expo:
Well I sorta lied, here's IGN's official list for E3. IGN has a better description than what I have for E3, but remember not all the games are there. Not many games, but one of the biggest on the list is Soulcalibur IV. And I have a feeling, not all the characters have been announced yet. See this game on PS3 and Xbox 360.
Now on to the predictions:
- Well my first prediction, which probably won't happen, but could is another Batman game based on the new Dark Knight movie. I have been talking about Batman too much, but I predict this game won't suck like the others. Somehow this game is also going to be a free roaming game. Doesn't that sound awesome? Cruising around Gotham your Bat-Tank, Bat-Pod, or possibly Bat-Jet sounds awesome right? Hopefully the game will be like this since I thought it was a good idea.
- The announcement of the Xbox 180 or a portable Xbox system. Yeah a long shot, but I can dream right? Either this or the announcement of a new system. Xbox has got to have something up their sleeves.
- A new Announcement of more PSP features: Now bare with me here, the PSP has got a lot of hidden potential. Right now, there isn't many features or games at all. Where's the original Metal Gear Solid Playstation download? The Internet feature is still cool, but still old and could be so much better. When can we watch YouTube or other flash videos? Skype on anything we use? We need something here, the PSP is falling way behind in the next generation of games. C'mon stop screwing around with us Sony and get back in the game! (Pun? You be the judge of that)
- Wii is going to have another awesome year: Yeah like every year since the product was first announced, the Wii has always been the best of show with its awesome controls and fun games. Not as nice looking as the other consoles, but Nintendo has never really been about that. That's what makes its games so unique and innovative. Not really a prediction, but I predict it will be awesome for another reason; An announcement for another Wii interact kind of item? Which kind you say? I can't say either, I just now its going to be awesome.
- Peter Jackson's Halo Project: Will this be the year? Will this finally be the continuation of more Halo games? We'll just have to wait and see. This was announced around the Halo movie fiasco, when Peter Jackson had troubles with New Line and settled on making more Halo games for now. Bring on the more Halo-age!
- More secrets: What else is in store for E3? Metal Gear Solid 4: Substance for the Xbox 360? Fall of PS3? (An evil thought of mine, which seems somewhat likely with the drop if sales, but we know Sony has an infinite amount of money) New system announcement? A killer app? A lightsaber game for the Wii other than Star Wars: Unleashed? We will just have to wait and see...possibly...Kingdom Hearts 3?
Japan has already announced a mix of Kingdom Hearts games and I have a feeling they will all be announced for America at E3 as well. Japan has announced 3 games so far. A game for the cell phone or mobile, PSP, and Nintendo DS. And all three either have titles and screens for.
The Kingdom Hearts game for the DS seems the most secretive at the moment with the title: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days. A way confusing title, but has much to do with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. You can read about it more here.
The mobile game titled Kingdom Hearts: Coded is also a bit secretive. It has a few screens, but as I see it, not much can be told at the moment. Something about a bug and what not. Graphics look somewhat excellent on a mobile phone, but seeing as Japan having more of a better phone than us; I just wonder how it will be ported.
Now Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep seems like a different kind of monster, which is being released for the PSP. As shown by screens, it is focusing on characters from the secret movie from the Japan Only game: Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix. It is also said to be played a bit like Chain of Memories, which decks will be used. It also isn't my favorite type of gameplay. You can read about it and see screens here.
- Thought it was over? Maybe not. As with Nintendo Power revealed an odd but very obvious clue:
1 comment:
-Must add comment-
Can't resist. I just love kingdom hearts. Its such an awesome game. I've seen video's on youtube of like pictures of the kingdom hearts game box for the wii and PS3. What's that all about? People just feel like making those kinds of pictures as examples? o.O
Thanks for the comments by the way. Bubba was the one that was sick if you didn't catch it. xD So yeaaah, but he's all better. We all are still not sure what was wrong with him. Guessing it was bad yogurt. -Nods-
-Rant Rant Rant-
So yeah....
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