Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
More TDK Banners For Your Eye Candy
Here are more banners and posters to drool over before we see the official The Dark Knight trailer, and before the actual movie:
And the new one (Click for bigger pic):
Monday, April 28, 2008
Update 2: It's All Part Of the Plan

And this banner:

Check back later for something else that may be fun...
Update: And now for the trailer:
wait for it....
Which will be out Sunday for us, which will be seen here:
Anyone else pissed? Here's a duck game you can play which takes you to the site seen above, once you win:
Update 2: Shh! Here's a trailer of the upcoming "Oompa Oompa Oompa TDK da di - If you are right then listen to me" movie: (Highlight: A bootleg of TDK, click link if you can't wait till Sunday, hint: click on the first link text)
Friday, April 25, 2008
New Dark Knight Trailer?
Recently Harvey Dent was involved in a hostage situation when he switched himself with another woman, saving the woman from the hostage taker, which was a "smear cop." Whatever the hell that means. Probably another fancy word for a corrupt cop. Harvey Dent is now being called the "White Knight."
Once all that was over, it seems fans were able to find a website hidden within Joker's: And the website they found is called this:
Which has recently at this moment on the bottom saying: "Three days." Could this be towards the new trailer? We will just have to wait and see, for now I will leave you with a new poster which the website leads to:
(Click pic for a bigger version)

Update: Click on the president pictures now and there are coordinates around the world for something big that may happen tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Holy Crap!: Part 3
Some French guy named Kotomi modded a Super Mario Bros. cartridge to work as an actual real working Nintendo system. The modder calls it a Fami-Card. Although, hopefully he has another Super Mario Bros. lying around. Expect to find these at your nearest small cart stores you find at the Mall in the coming months.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Holy Crap!: Part 2
This is one huge game, one game we have probably been dreaming of being made. Hopefully its the one game in which Superman doesn't suck in as well. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe comes out later this year. I'll be sure to pick it up.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cloverfield DVD Store Exclusives
Update: The Steelbook at FYE this week will sell for...holy crap, $20? Get it while its hot and for a sweet sale price.
Don't know which edition to buy of the Cloverfield DVD from a store? Well here's the exclusives you'll get from each major store. And some from the minor ones. Also the DVD comes out April 22nd. Taken from source: I made my own wording, so I'm not copying everything:
FYE/Suncoast - From these stores, mostly found at malls, you get this sweet looking DVD Steelbook(If your a collector of DVD's and don't know what steelbooks are by now, you've basically been living under a rock for a few years). For those of you not knowing what Steelbooks are they are the newest additions to DVD and video game covers. It is made of a special metal which makes the DVD's feel more powerful, but not much durable. Awesome covers, but you have to be super careful with them since they dent easily(I learned the hard way with my Transformers, X-2, and Halo 2 Steelbooks. The pain still hurts...). If you don't mind handling them well, want a sweet cover for the DVD, and also a cover that actually goes with the theme of the movie; buy this edition. I believe it comes with a second disk, but I'm not saying that officially either so don't take my word for it. Two things I would mention is that its a bit more pricey than the other edition DVDs selling around $29(Not sure on actual sale price so stay tuned for that) and also these are limited which sell out quicker than regular DVDs so its best to reserve it at the nearest FYE or Suncoast before the release date. I highly recommend this version than others if price isn't a factor and I already reserved my copy as well for $5.
Best Buy - Just as the description says, its an extra DVD that has a 30 minute featurette with "Hud", seen above, who was mostly (It was also shot with other types of camera with different cameramen) behind the camera. Minor Spoiler: He was seen at the beginning for a few minutes before receiving the camera. Major Spoiler: And at the end when he probably had the coolest death seen on film. (Death isn't a joke kids, maybe only in movies [at times I may add], but still no joke.)
*Footage not Found*
Kmart and Sears(?) - Since when does Sears sell DVDs in the first place? That's knew to me. And doesn't help their case either when the only exclusive they have a free Cloverfield ringtone. Just as the website says; that's pretty lame.
Target - And Target is doing this exclusive once again with the exclusive soundtrack of basically every piece music you have heard from the movie. Although the name has gotten to me, for some reason, its called "Rob's Goin' To Japan Party Mix!" An obvious mix CD. If interested what's on the thing here's every single soundtrack, that I have never heard of, that's on the CD:
- OK GO - “Here It Goes Again”
- Goldfrapp - “Ooh La La”
- Coconut Records - “West Coast”
- Scissors for Lefty - “Got Your Moments”
- The Vapors - “Turning Japanese”
- Parliament - “Give Up the Funk”
- Of Montreal - “Wraith Pinned to the Mist”
- The Blood Arm - “Do I Have Your Attention?”
- Bright Eyes - “Four Winds”
I might of heard of the first one, but then again who cares?
Circuit City - No word yet surprisenly, but it will probably end up announcing what comes with the DVD the day it cames out.
Want to get a nice version which price isn't a factor? Get the Steelbook. Want a cheaper one with more extras? Eh...go with the Best Buy one. The rest is up to you.
The Regular Version - This one is found any place that sells DVDs and here's the cover art with extras. It may be the poster, but I'm not digging it so much, although, I kinda like the homage to Escape From New York's Poster on the back cover (Technically Cloverfield did it first).
Front Cover:
Back Cover:
Here's the ridiculously short runtime and other specs:
Runtime: 1 Hr. 24 Min. Sec.
Languages: English, French Dubbed & Subtitled, Spanish
Audio: 5.1 Surround, Dolby Digital
US Rating: PG-13 - For Violence, Terror And Disturbing Images
If you can't read the extras here it is:
Deleted Scenes, 2 Alternate Endings (Which I heard are disappointing, but decide for yourself), Outtakes (Eh, I'll take it), The Making of Cloverfield Featurette. Other Featurettes: Cloverfield Visual Effects; I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge; and Clover Fun. And 7 Easter Eggs (Figure what those are on your own).
Well this is one loaded DVD. The extras should further boost our curiosity of the Cloverfield phenomenon. And the Blu-Ray Edition should basically have the same extras. Also the movie isn't for everyone, but just watch the movie (If you don't get motion sickness easily) and have your own opinion of it afterwards.
So which edition are you getting?
Oh yeah and Kenneth was right (Comes from November 2007):
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Another Viral Tie-In?
Heres a vid from there:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
In Uwe Boll's Case
Should Uwe Boll make more movies? You tell me.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Holy Crap Part 1
Side note: Ero-ero, well you'll get the idea what it is.
Which brings us to our Japanese word of the day: Ero-Ero
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Send In The Clowns
- Joker is on the move again: Although already been played through, earlier today Joker has sent his cronies to nearby bowling locations around the world. Although it isn't said specifically the addresses he put out are bowling alleys. At the places people are supposed to ask for a specific name and then rewarded with a special Joker colored bowling ball with bag, as well as an evidence bag including: A Joker card, a list of instructions, a cell phone and charger. With that over he then asks us to go to a special website:, instructing us to leave a name phone number and email, specifically saying it must be legit.We will then relieve a phone call from the security system place telling us to provide the password which is "needle." Do this and you will get a special message from a certain Gotham Police Commissioner...or is it really him?
- In other news new Zelda movie? For real? Yep here's the link(No pun intended).
- It seems the Toy Story 3 movie script has been dumped again and probably will never be released by now, this is just too cruel.
- In recent news the BK King has died.
- In movie news the new anime movie Dragonball, which had just finished filming has been scrapped. The actors are devastated after filming so much footage and not even going to use it. After being questioned the actors were all confused on why it was all happening. The footage is being sold on Ebay for huge amounts of money.