And this banner:

Check back later for something else that may be fun...
Update: And now for the trailer:
wait for it....
Which will be out Sunday for us, which will be seen here: http://www.whysoserious.com/happytrails/
Anyone else pissed? Here's a duck game you can play which takes you to the site seen above, once you win: http://www.whysoserious.com/sittingducks/
Update 2: Shh! Here's a trailer of the upcoming "Oompa Oompa Oompa TDK da di - If you are right then listen to me" movie: (Highlight: A bootleg of TDK, click link if you can't wait till Sunday, hint: click on the first link text)
I'm not entirely convinced that the DragonbBall poster is for real. It very well could be but I'm skeptical.
That Dark Knight poster is the best one yet though.
Watch It Before It's Gone
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