Excuse the mess. I’ve been trying to find a good blog theme, but I have yet to find one to fit Inside The Briefcase and have yet to suffice. I thought this one would be fine, but apparently a banner doesn’t fit in this one. So sadly I must move on to another one. Unfortunately I am also limited on blog Template’s, but all will be better soon. In the meantime; The gaming world is left restless today because of this:
The PlayStation’s motion controller has been officially named PlayStation Move today at GDC. Kinda disappointed by that. I kinda like the Arc prototype name better. Then again I have never been looking forward to this. I really dislike the design and the whole concept. I can tell you why its exactly like a Wii. Well for one thing they announced a nunchuck like peripheral. Totally similar, except for the fact its got a D pad, two buttons, a PS button, and its wireless. Wii has a wireless nunchuck and it works just the same. It may not be official, but its still just a copy. Even in today’s conference their own words were “Think of it as a Wii nunchuck.” Words that should never have been said since its basically saying it is a copy of a nunchuck. 
Here’s another similarity: It uses the PlayStation EyeToy in order to track the movements of the Move. The Wii uses the same concept. It has a sensor bar and can track the movements of the Wiimote from the bar. You aren’t fooling me Sony. I know you copied the Wii, don’t try and sneak your way out of this one. Just because you have a ball on top of your motion controller doesn’t make it any different.
And another: Wrist Straps, although not really major and they don’t seem to be so anal retentive about keeping the strap on as much as a Wiimote.
Now for some differences: There’s a ball. It’s quite unnoticeable and a bit distracting. It also changes color. The reason for that is it changes color depending on the situation on the screen. So if your curious it will be shipped in different colored balls? It will not. Its just the effect the ball has. It also changes depending the color of the room. If it doesn’t have a certain color, the ball will change to a color the room does not present. Its pretty freaky sounding to me. Apparently the ball has emotions.

There’s other differences, but I feel isn’t important from where I read since the Wiimote can do basically anything the Move can do. Wither it be from third party products or the like, the Wiimote thought it first. So now apparently the Wii is now in HD and is called the PS Move. And I predict soon Sony will get a lawsuit in the near future.
This is also why Project Natal has a much better concept than PS Move. The games they previewed at GDC were so gimmicky, it was really such an awful showing for me. I suspect a better future for Xbox 360 than PS3.
- Some fans were outraged yesterday as people thought (because of Fox News’ poor and premature judgment) that John Krasinski, yes that John Krasinski, was Marvel’s favorite to be picked to be Captain America. Turns out, Fox News is always wrong.
Now the favorite was previous Fantastic Four member Chris Evans. Its a better choice. Even if he is a pretty cheesy actor. The only reason I accept this is because Fantastic Four is now being rebooted. And I in no way, can see Jim Halpert do an Action movie after being his Jim Halpert self on The Office. There was no way. It never sounded like a serious choice to me. Well Jim’s out and now we are left with three choices. Human Torch being on the top. The others: Mike Vogel (Cloverfield) and Garrett Hedlund (He’s Flynn’s son in the recent Tron Legacy trailer).
- Did I say A movie? Because I really meant two, but then the title wouldn’t have worked. So really nothing worked, but lets continue: Christopher Nolan is apparently rebooting Superman. But he won’t direct it. He will only work on the script and produce it. Either way I trust in Nolan and Superman will be good. But I’m more of a Batman guy, so:
David Goyer and John Nolan is also finishing up the script for Batman 3; stating officially John Nolan is working on Batman 3. Even if Warner Bros. doesn’t want to admit that yet. Nolan also stated for the record that this will be the last Batman movie. Its sad to learn this, but its better to finish something than to see it continue and not being able to work its magic anymore.
Chris Nolan probably sees this too. He said he wants to finish it and of course like most of his movies, I will be there to see one of his masterpieces finish in amazing fashion. Nolan also mentioned: key surviving characters from previous movies and actors who played them will be back in the final installment. That rules out Joker coming back then. Another mention he stated was that another villain won’t be added to the franchise. Damn.
It may mean Two-Face isn’t dead though. Although I don’t know how it will play out with current villains, I still believe in Christopher Nolan.
Also a Superman/Batman movie won’t happen. Oh, well.
- On a final note I thought a post this video…for steam punk fans. Enjoy!: