Saturday, May 30, 2009

Toy Story 3 Teaser

Here is the teaser which shows absolutely nothing like most of Pixars teasers. If for some reason you missed it when watching Up or just want to see it just because, well its Toy Story. Here is the teaser from YouTube:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What Has Been Watched From the Year So Far

Its not exactly mid-year yet, but I thought since I haven't given reviews for movies in a while; I thought I would give brief reviews of movies I have watched so far from this year. So I hope you can forgive me for not giving reviews in a while, here is a bit of a quickie:

This movie stars Chris Evans, from Fantastic Four fame (but dare I say, what fame?), Dakota Fanning and Camilla Belle. Its been a while since the last time it was in theaters, I saw it back in February, but remember what it was mostly about. Its basically Heroes (the tv show) as an independent movie with a so-so storyline. Its interesting what they do with the movie; it takes place in mostly Malaysia and people have different powers, some with the same powers. Some government agency tries to control people with power and try to advance their power, only to sometimes kill them in the process. Its vague yes, but thats how I remembered it. The only thing that really bothers me is how they might have implied the Chris Evans character to have multiple powers. I mean seriously how did he become all smart of a sudden. Are we supposed to buy that he planned something so quickly? I think not. This gets 3 out of 5 for creativity.

Friday the 13th:
The old horror classic (well somewhat) is rebooted with producer Michael Bay on board. Although not enough explosions, which disappointed, its still got a slightly modern feel to the old horror genre. The director also rebooted Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which I never saw but its got the same feel to it. Is that bad? Not neccessarily if your into the gritty horror series. I think its becing a bit of a cliche way too fast though, but I digress. Jason is back in a new form and he is just as murderous as ever. After watching I had many problems to begin with. For one thing the teens are just like from the older movies: They are way too dumb. But this time they smoke. Kids like these are ones you see going to the trashy parties. Also these kids are the ones you know are going to end up dead. Palpable? Yes. Scary? Slightly. Going to watch this again? No. Should you watch it? Well I assure you its slightly better than Rob Zombie's Halloween. Better than Push? Yeah... 3.5 out of 5.

You know, I already talked a little about Watchmen, but there's too much to go into before talking about a Watchmen Review than just small talk so I'll skip right to...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine:
Yeah, there was a big gap from here since not alot going on between Friday the 13th and Wolverine. Well anyways this was on my top movies list and because of a little hype and because the trailer was cool it was there. After watching it, I kinda wish I had another movie in place of it now. Yep thats right, this one was a big disappointment to me. Even though I kept my expectations minimal it still wasn't low enough for me to like this one. I liked X-Men: The Last Stand more than this, but I liked The Last Stand anyways so its not much of a comparison. I don't know where to began, but this also felt like another downgrade. Wolverine's claws were CGI'ed, the story line was here and there, too many characters, and just not enough time for anything. I wish it were a bit longer to actually introduce everyone a bit better. I wanted more Deadpool and Gambit than anyone else; and unfortunately both were talked very little about. I wish there was more time for stuff. But sadly it went way too fast and will probably not find a way to my DVD shelf. The introduction of so many characters made it suffer too much for me. It is about Wolverine, but then again its about the Weapon X project too. Yep, 3 out of 5. You will also see some surprises, and if you want something way better; get the video game. Bit gory, but its more accurate.

Well, there it is so far, Star Trek still needs to be watched. And also Terminator Salvation will get its own post since the Timeline has been altered very much in it. Theres probably loads more to talk about Terminator than Watchmen really.

You know after thinking about it, I would probably better enjoy a Terminator Salvation Uncut and/or Directors Cut than a Watchmen one. I was a Terminator fan before Watchmen (yes I am late into that game) and Terminator may be a bigger monster than Watchmen in some ways (some may argue and welcome comments on that).

Upcoming Pixar Movies:

Who doesn't love Pixar these days? With the Up movie coming out soon, I thought I give a list of upcoming projects. Pixar is undoubtably the dominating (probably of the world) animation studios that everyone is hooked to. With great past movies and soon new ones on the horizon. Whats coming soon? It may be surprising. Just take a look:

Toy Story 3 ( 2010) - Most people knew this by now, but rumored a teaser will play in front of Up. That would be awesome. Having seen Toy Story 1 and 2 and has long been a fan I can't wait what they wil do with this one. I have heard of good and sad rumors of the new sequel, but its better not to know anything at all. Another plot that was given out has been thrashed by Pixar: Buzz and other Space toys are recalled back to the factory for an unknown reason. Great plot, too bad its not THE actual plot. Can't wait for the trailer and not read anything else on the movie.

Cars 2 (2011) - Liked the other least favorite (of mine) of the Pixar films? Well most kids and kids with the love of general cars will obviously be back for this one. This is for mainly the fans of the original. Wasn't bad, but I liked the other Pixar films more than this one.

The Bear and the Bow (2011) - Whats this one about you ask? I think it has some Indian Folklore behind it, but it is also said to be a fake title for another Pixar Project called Brave. What is it about? Who knows, but I think its slightly better that way, also two Pixar films on one year? Awesomeness.

Newt (2012) - No, I wouldn't think this would be Newt's perspective of the Aliens film in Pixar form. I don't find Pixar to go that way but here's a small summary from the wiki page: Newt and Brooke live in a community college science lab and don't care for each other, yet as the last remaining blue-footed newts on the planet they are forced to mate and save the species.

Brave (?) - Just whispers and small rumors about this one really. Its supposed to be a super secret Pixar project and is a word no one dare say around the Pixar office either. I have no idea exactly, but I hear its a remake of the Brave Little Toaster in Pixar form. A personal favorite of mine as well, but I Pixar has never done a remake before. But knowing and trusting Pixar; we will know exactly in due time.

Monsters, INC. 2 (?) - In due time.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hey out there its been a while. I wanted to talk about something recent so here it is and where I stand in this whole IMAX fiasco that’s beginning. Aziz Ansari, of Parks and Recreation fame, complained on his blog about how “IMAX Digital” rips you off. I think I have known this from the beginning when I first saw IMAX in the digital projection and I went in thinking it was the huge screen you usually see. I believe IMAX first started this way with films rather than the documentary films which are in full blown IMAX. Its usually gotten better with Universal CityWalk, after going back to see The Day the Earth Stood Still, after feeling relieved to know it had the big screen as advertised.

Now its getting bad again with movies releasing in IMAX digital screens. Yes, they are significantly smaller and are a rip off. There’s no denying this. How can you pay to see a film for $16 on a huge screen and still pay the same price on a smaller screen? Here is a comparison from Aziz's blog:

The smaller screen is the thing in question. Really? Why call it IMAX? Why pay $16 for that? Its only a few inches bigger than the screen at my theater, but its fundamentally the same. Its only $7.50 matinee price at the Krikorian theater (where they show digital screen showings), compared to $16. I’m just saving you money here if you go to the IMAX digital theaters.

I also did a bit of research of my own and found nowhere on the IMAX website that shows the screen size between an Original huge IMAX screen between the small IMAX screen. Seriously go to the website now and just look around for a few minutes. They say absolutely nothing. To further save you the trouble of finding out which theaters have a real IMAX screen here is a map which shows the real screens.

That’s a lot of screens with digital IMAX. I am intrigued about the Dome IMAX theaters. Those must be awesome. Anyways, bottom line: go to theaters with a digital screens that aren’t marked with IMAX and go to the true IMAX screens posted on the map. Saves you a ton of money. On the other hand if you go to an IMAX theater; at least go to a true one. Even though Aziz probably made a bad choice of watching the whole movie, he is completely right on the matter. IMAX Digital plainly sucks. Common sense. Save money, especially during the economy.

Movie Posters that look like other Posters:

Technically the art that compares to this movie poster, isn’t a poster, but they both really look the same. Here we began by showing the latest Transformers poster for the new movie:


After looking at it and realizing it looked like something I have seen before. It dawned on me:


The dude who created the Transformers Poster is an Eva fan! Nuff said.

Something Extra:

Has anyone seen anything of Fringe? If you have, you gotta seriously watch the season finale. That was one of the best 47 minutes and 6 seconds I have ever seen. Its seriously going to be like Lost, too (Both created by J.J. Abrams too). Abrams is now the new god of television and movies. Plus there’s some Spock on the finale, there’s a big upside.