I missed out last time with Targets Iron Man Helmet DVD set, but not this time. I usually go with Steelbooks, but I really don’t see any reason to buy an Indiana Jones Steelbook and even if their was an Incredible Hulk Steelbook, I had to go with the Target set this time around. Don’t get me wrong Steelbooks are awesome, but I gotta go with something else sometime. Especially with the Hulk Set:

The set is really awesome. It really looks like he’s trying to break through.
Here’s what it comes with: The Incredible Hulk movie, exclusive Hulk breaking a break wall type of…whatever you would call it, a bonus disk, and the digital copy disk which is pretty much useless after you use it once. The thing that confuses me is why the bonus copy wouldn’t be put in back of the Hulk breaking through a wall set itself with the movie. They made it separate which is weird. Anyways just throw away the extra disk plastic and put it with the set and its better that way.
And here’s what it looks like as Norton/Hulk does what he does best.
Now onto the Indy 4 set. I wouldn’t say its the best out of the exclusive sets you get from the stores, but its the one I went for. The Best Buy is the better set, which I had to avoid last week and get a cheaper set:
This one comes in a book, similar to a previous Fullmetal Alchemist: Conquer of Shambala Limited Edition movie set; just to make a comparison if you have it. The only difference is that Indy includes a lenticular slipcover. Here are some other pics:
Here it is were the discs are inside the book. The book contains a neat production diary. Here’s an example:
Nice photos, although Indy is incredibly old. I still very much liked the movie though. Only two scenes that out me off, the rest is Indiana back at his best and very old self.
Video of the Day:
I mentioned a little thing about spike doing a Scream award show. I may have got the wrong date. So here’s the Watchmen Segment anyways in case you missed it:
That scene with Comedian being thrown out of the window looks better as we see a bit more of the scene from the trailer here.
Update 10/23 - Here's a higher quality video, in case the one here was too low: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GUmgQHvqqc
I wouldn't feel too bad about the lack of a Hulk steelbook in the U.S. One might say that we dodged a bullet.
Mixed feelings about the new Watchmen trailer. It was too much like a rearranged version of the first trailer. It did get significantly more awesome towards the end.
Also this new commenting system is the Devil's work.
I forgot to add that I also picked up that same Hulk set. It's pretty great, however I'm traumatized by how much shelf space it takes up. DVD shelving is a precious commodity right now.
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