Now we come to the not so great part. Spielberg may have decided to go back and edit out his previous changes, but he decided to change the box art. Oh, boy. What a bad idea. Very little thought was put into it. The photoshop may not be as bad as my banner, but well check it out:

As you can see, a little too much is going on here with different color hues going on. Where's our famous fly across the moon image? It may serve as a back cover image, but it looks like its gone. I'm pretty anal about my DVD covers. There are some pretty fantastic (with a hint of bizarre)covers (I'm a fan of simplicity), to the just plain awful (I should have chosen a well known movie, but Val Kilmer's stretched head will suffice for now). E.T.'s cover is an an example of just being bad. Its not awful, but it isn't good either.
I can't imagine Mr. Spielberg would change it to the out of print DVD cover, which is pretty fantastic since the Disc represents the moon. Or the single disc cheap Special Edition cover, which is a mix of two classic E.T. posters. I guess he just wanted to go with something new. Its not amazing, but I guess I can live with it. At least you can't go wrong with Jaws.