Today I release a banner that I have had an idea for since the middle of summer. I started the idea in September and kinda abandoned it for a while when school started. I then regenerated the inspiration when TeeFury released a T-Shirt of two things I very much have love for. Star Wars and classic Mario games. When I missed out on buying the T-Shirt now having to pay a price of $24.94 someplace else I thought I could borrow the T-Shirt design and use it for my banner. I then abandoned it when I slowly began to think it may be stealing and I don’t want to go through the trouble of emailing the creator of such a masterpiece to place on a blog no one really visits. In the midst of all this I knew it was Mario’s 25th anniversary and didn’t really have an idea of creating something of my own to continue celebrating a beloved franchise. I don’t really remember how and why I thought about doing this all of a sudden, but I remember a similar flash game in which you can play in Mario’s original world while playing other 8-bit characters from other Nintendo games. So I just merely borrowed elements from a certain flash game that will remain nameless to avoid comparisons. Well, I hope people can enjoy what I’ve done with the banner and if things go well, perhaps I can create more similar banners. Well, enjoy!