Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Konami Syndrome

No its not some new gaming disease, though it totally sounds like one, For some reason Konami has decided to sell out at an alarming rate. In the next Metal Gear Solid game tie-ins will be a heavily featured thing. A list of in game tie-ins include: Monster Hunter monsters, Assassin’s Creed collaboration, in-game Weekly Jump manga, in-game Mountain Dew and Pepsi, in-game Walkman, and in-game body Axe spray. All this will be seen in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP. I’ve seen crazy video game tie-ins before, but this is a little ridiculous. I know I’m a bit late on this, but I just thought how crazy this all was. Hideo Kojima eventually explained, rather strangely: "Concerning the current tie-ins, various things are being said in the news in the business sense, but I have singular reason," Kojima wrote via Twitter. "It's because I want to surprise players. If there's no surprise or freshness, then I'll stop the tie-ins. It's different from Hollywood-style merchandising."

It actually sounded better in words. It looks kinda disappointing in picture form now. Besides the tie-ins; other MGS: PW merchandise have made interesting appearances. If you head over this direction (slightly NSFW) if you get the MGS: PW CD single (or if you ever like getting Game OST’s) you will get this interesting packaging. Maybe its no surprise since its Kojima.

Another piece of MGS: PW merchandise is the announced PSP Big Boss Pack. Take a look:

If I was ever going to get a PSP-3000, I think the time is now. Besides this package, is the smaller “Spirited Green” pack. I don’t dig the spirited green color, if it even is a color (Must look at the official colors from crayola now). The Big Boss pack is the only Gamestop exclusive (of course) and both will be out the game date June 8th. All that's included in the Big Boss pack is pictured there, but the movie that’s supposedly a bonus, hasn’t been chosen yet. Guess they gotta find a movie that's either stealthy or fits in with Metal Gear Solid. Can’t think of one on top of my head. I’m also surprised that the PSP-GO hasn’t gotten much exclusives. But that's another argument for another post…no its not, the PSP-GO sucks.