Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Am Legend DVD Review


Yes, I am doing even DVD reviews now. The reviews for DVDs in this blog will be as thorough as I can analyze it. Not like other DVD review sits were they look at how the sound sounds, how it should sound, just how flawless it is, they just have way too much time on their hands. I got this DVD a few days ago. I just watched the first version and Alternate Theatrical Version, give a brief summary of both, and will be spoiler free. I was disappointed I didn't get the Best Buy exclusive Steelbook edition which they may have sold out already, but this edition is alright as well. Now on to the Review:

The Movie(s):

The two movies are great to watch. They are both, well, the same movie, but in actuality when you watch it with the different endings, they seem like completely different movies entirely. With the Theatrical version, the first half hour of the movie is really what brings people into the movie. Its a very quiet, but appropriate intro that builds up to more wonderment and curiosity to the audience as we witness about a few years after a deadly mutating virus has hit the planet. What was once a cure for cancer has gone terribly wrong killing millions in its wake. Robert Neville(Will Smith) is a lone survivor on New York City, the city being left in ruins and quarantined being cut off from civilization. Neville is a Military Scientist trying to find a cure from the mutating virus that has, what he believes, destroyed mankind excluding himself. Neville is somehow immune to the virus and tries to survive with his dog, who is yet to be affected by the virus. Now the virus, as we learn, not only kills people but turns them into vampire/zombies or as Neville call them "Dark Seekers" and calls the virus: Krippin Virus or KV (also named after Dr. Krippin whom created the cure, which turned deadly).

Now having read the book, there are lots of differences from the book from the movie, which bothers me a bit, but this is Francis Lawrence's remake of the book and movies. So inevitably their will be differences. The Dark Seekers, look too CGI-ish but works in a way that make them incredibly creepy. Now the ending of the Theatrical Version, is nothing like the book. Yet in only one way it is similar, but I also feel it doesn't have much importance to the meaning "I Am Legend."

Now with the Alternate Version they add about 4 minutes, with a few additional scenes, which works since they go back explaining things they didn't quite explain in the Theatrical Cut. Which of course, caused lots of confusion. Now with the ending, its just inches closer to the book. Not much, but they finally got the point with this one. Not exact, but close enough.

So depending on what way you want to look at the DVDs what I suggest is watch the Theatrical Version then the Alternative Version, if your someone intelligent enough to give the movie a chance at least, even if you don't like the Theatrical Version. If you only want to watch it once and want a good movie, then watch the Alternate Version. This is I believe the better version of Francis Lawrence's story.

Theatrical Version: 7.0

Alternate Version: 8.0 (New things make a huge difference)

Video: 8.0

Now on to the video. As most DVD movies are, they are clear and I believe is no reason to own a Blu-Ray anytime soon. Well some movies, I find disappointing and could have a clearer version; its just how they are supposed to look. Now with I Am Legend this isn't the case. The video is very clear, a hints of grainy-ness and such. I think a little too much CGI, or not enough detailed CGI (example: The lions at least). The lights and darks do go very well with the movie. When dark it is when the more scarier moments happen, so hold on to your butts.

Audio: 9.0

Both movies, although not slated, are presented with English, French, and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.0. this could have gone a bit better. Sure audio's great, but I hate to see movies worthy of DTS to have it missing. It would have gotten a perfect score with DTS.

Extras: 5.0

Yeah, this is the most regrettably, disappointing thing on this 2 disk set. Were's the extras? Sure we get the prequel comics and a digital download, but that's it? Where's the making of, commentary, and things like that? This is most disappointing, the menus don't even look appealing.

Pick up this DVD for it's Alternate Version and I'm sure you will have a good time with this movie. Prepared to be creeped out, scared, and even surprised with the Alternate cut.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another X-Files 2 leaked trailer

This is the one I put up earlier, but with the beginning intact. Now heres the second preview leaked unofficial trailer:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Review

super-smash-bros-brawl copy

Yeah I went a little much with the picture, so here's the review for Super Smash Bros. Brawl the new installment in the Super Smash series. How else can you review a fighter of this caliber? Well I don't know I'm just giving a basic summary and how I feel about the game. Well anyway's, this game is great, although I feel somehow its not as great as Melee in some ways. The final smash's are great to use, yet for some characters it feels kind of useless. I'll explain later, meantime I'll explain


There's a huge amount of characters, I'm especially surprised to see Sonic and Snake have joined the Brawl. Sonic was on the GameCube twice and Snake only once with his remake of his first outing in Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. Snake is actually a real joy to use, he has some good moves, and lots of grenades. He has a full arsenal really and his Final Smash is great also. Sonic, well, only if your used to him and play Sonic games a lot are for the fans only mostly. He's a bit hard to use and seems useless when you don't know what your doing. Anyway Snake and Sonic are good addition. Other new people to the Brawl are: Pit, Lucas (basically a clone of Ness, same moves), Diddy Kong, King DeDeDe (from Kirby adventures), Wario, Toon Link, Pokèmon Trainer, MetaKnight, Olimar, Lucario, R.O.B., and Wolf. Also Zero Suit Samus, but didn't include her since its still Samus only until after Final Smash. Well here's all the characters so I don't have to name anymore:Untitled


To answer someone's question, yes I did unlock R.O.B. with every character listed above. Yes this is the full list for Brawl. And to verify about the last space its a Random Character space not to confuse anyone with the foreign language (Japanese).

Worst Characters To Make the Cut:

Peach and Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff in reality is worst since he/she has the most useless Final Smash.

Best Character To Make the Cut:

In a way: Wario. Sure he's disgusting, but I think he uses the only fart joke used in a game and only fart joke in a game that will inevitably be used constantly. He's also way fun to use than the other characters combined. Also Sheik, glad to see Zelda/Sheik back, since I think she's the most balanced character of the series.

Story Mode (Subspace Emissary):

This mode is massive and take quite a while to beat. It is also quite frustrating at times, well with most fighting and FPS games, it can be. There's times when the people developing the game get a little too carried away with things unfortunately, but its still an entertaining made at the same time. This is also what I mean by not the same as Melee. With Melee the story mode seemed more balanced than Brawl's. Brawl gets a little too much at times. Especially with boss battles. Don't even get me started with Tabuu; the final boss. Which I have to anyway since its a review. Either someone at Nintendo let this go somehow, but Tabuu is really beyond frustrating to beat. Toughest boss to date really. Well once all the mayhem is over you get Sonic and well almost every character except Toon Link and Wolf. Jigglypuff is a secret character within Subspace. You have to unlock him/her anyway's to get extra stuff unfortunately.

After Subspace:

There's plenty of other stuff to do after you unlocked all the characters (or before as well), such as Classic mode and the events which get you more trophies as well as demos to play. And of course the Brawl matches which is the best thing about this game. You can also unlock stages, as well as make your own stages. There's also an option to play Melee stages as well which is cool. The online play is almost flawless. There's still lag unfortunately, which is mostly do to too many things at once when using the Internet. Its still quite a fun experience nonetheless.

Final Outlook (Thoughts and Verdict have been taken):

This is a really fun game, no way how you look at it. Either try a new character or keep playing the same character you have used from previous games. Its cool to try another character once in a while, since there's a variety of Final Smashes to see. And that's also when matches get most intense when its a bigger fight to get the Final Smash. Since well more kills. Also theres 4 ways to play the game, which is really a cool for more variety. You can play with either just the Wiimote sideways, with the nunchuck, classic controller, or with a GameCube controller (for people still used to the old Melee controls). This game gets 9.6 out of 10.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nothing New

I'm mostly posting this as empty space since I posted something else, but didn't work out. Not much going on so far, I finally got Super Smash Bros. Brawl and is awesome so far, just need two more characters to unlock and I'll give a review. Also I am working on the top 10 Halo levels of all time. So stay tuned!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Top 10 Video Games for the Wii.

For those of you lost in what games to maximize your Wii experience, here are the Top 10 games you should definitely own for the game system.

  • Number 10: Wii Sports wiisports_usboxartprelimboxart_160w

Ok this is easy. It already comes with the system so you don't have to pay for it. Unless you bought a bootleg Wii, you already got a game to enjoy with the system. The game is really good though, graphics are great, and the controls have probably the best response time for any Wii game. So enjoy the first game ever that you will have for the Wii.

If parents aren't put off by the title, or the fact its an operation newbloodpromo2boxart_160w game; then this is a great way to start off kids who want to become doctors. Its a really good simulation game. Sure there's some blood, but that's what happens during an operation. Its not too graphic, since when your cutting into a person its not even an actual person, more so like a representation of a person. This game was also originally made for the Nintendo DS, but has transferred beautifully on the Wii. This is also the second edition of Trauma Center, but doesn't really matter which version you get, its the same game, just different storyline.

Hey rock fans! If rock music is your type of thing and want to play it gh3wiibundlecontent1sboxart_160w on a simulated guitar then this is the game for you. This game comes with a wireless guitar, but its kinda hard to find. It sold out mostly during the Holiday season so good luck finding it. There's a problem with the game though, it may be wireless and all that good stuff, but the audio for some music is set to mono. So if you aren't put off by the fact of listening to some music with one speaker. Then enjoy this game.

This is a strange game. Which is also strangely good at the same time. This is great for parties. It may only use one controller at a wariowaresmoothmovesboxboxart_160w time, but it still uses it with hilarious results. Wario has never disappointed us. He's made Wario Ware games for almost every game system starting with the GameCube and Gameboy Advance. And every game always is good. The mini-games are a bit silly, but are really fun. This a must-buy for any Wii owner.

Similar game: Mario Party 8

Not interested in the way too silly mini-games? Well there's also mario_party_8_packshotboxart_160w Mario Party 8, which is a bit similar although this one plays more like a board game, filled with mini-games. This one uses the Wii-mote a little more than Wario Ware. Some people don't like it, but I guarantee (not an actual guarantee) that kids will love this just as much as Wario Ware, maybe a little more. Anyone's choice here, so I consider this a tie in a way.

This little RPG (RolePlaying Game) first appeared on the Nintendo 64. Now a newersupersuperpapermariowiicopyboxart_160w version is on the Wii. This is interesting since this isn't Mario's first RPG adventure. Anyone remember Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? That's ok no one does. This one has an interesting twist to it, that makes it different from its predecessors. In this one you can go 2D or 3D. Its pretty interesting, considering Mario is Paper, or Paper like. Well anyway's its a nice little adventure with some good challenges. I'm stuck myself in this.

Alright this isn't for the kids obviously. For the more Mature players. (Yes parents that's Rated M for Mature, 18 years or older, not eh my kid's 16 he seems mature enough. No parents it has to be Age 18.) Don't exactly know why I put this up since its been out for two other systems before, but then again its nice to go back on an updated console, with very well made controls. A lot of systems and games should take note on what the Resident Evil franchise has done. They updated the First Resident Evil outing and game with new graphics when it came out for the GameCube. There should be more games like Resident Evil. That's right I mean you Resident Evil 2 and 3 (And any other game that deserves an update). You are within the same franchise and you couldn't even update your graphics? For shame. (Shakes head in shame)

Alternative Game: Wii Playwii_play_packshotboxart_160w

Not exactly Resident Evil, but its got a nice shooter game and other fun games to play. This game also comes with a free Wii-mote. For those parents with the younger tykes and non-adult teens (Yes parents take note! Teens under 18; no rates M games!), this game also similar to Wii Sports just more mini-gamey type. (You also ride cows! Ha!)

I haven't tried this game yet, but is among one of the best played Wii games on the system. So it has to be good. I played the first one on the GameCube and I know it has to be similar to this one. Its pretty interesting gameplay, very challenging, but also quite fun for the teens. I don't know too much of the story line but I know the Wii controls are very tight and greatly handled with the game. Whatever floats your boat, another must buy for the Wii.

Now I know what your saying. Why isn't this Number one? For two reasons. Well maybe 3. There's a certain game, that I'm not mentioning yet, that may of course top this one. This one also was releasing months ago. Its still a great game, but there's two games being released that may top this one. This game is a favorite among many many people. The songs, the gameplay, almost everything seems flawless about this one. Its simple and great for any age. Well mostly.

But this game isn't out yet! Ah, but au contraire, this game will obviously top almost any game to date. From what I've seen this game is going to be the greatest. From its wireless online play, perfect Nintendo graphics. This should be on anyone's Wii library when it come's out tomorrow. Its the perfect party game and will be the best Wii game out there. Why isn't it it number one? Well there's another game that's number one right now and its tied with this one. This game isn't out yet, but it should be considered a tie with the next game on our list...

Surprised? Yeah didn't think so. This game is the best Mario Platformer to date. Its great for all the kids to play. Its also quite interesting because of how the physics are for the game. Jumping from planet to planet, Mr. Miyamoto has brought us one great Mario game. Its another world of Mario that has been introduced to us, which actually the game has taken years to develop, starting from what was once famously known as Mario 128. For those of you looking for a Wii game, definitely buy this game and/or Super Smash Bros. Brawl, unless there's a shortage of Brawl which I truly hope not.

Update - Future Worthy Mention: Mario Kart Wii

Most of everyone remembers the Mario Kart series and its always been the most successful racing game I know. This Mario Kart comes with a wheel attachment that goes with the Wii-mote, just to give a decent feel of a real wheel. This is a definite buy when it comes out on April 27.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Conspiracy Among Us...

A trailer leaked from WonderCon (I was planning on going...dammit).

If someone wants no spoilers, its a sneak peak trailer for the X-Files 2 movie.
Enjoy for the spoiler peoples out there.

And another extra bit of video: An extremely well done Batman Fan Film (some of you may have seen months ago, its still awesome):

Batman Legends

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