Yes, I am doing even DVD reviews now. The reviews for DVDs in this blog will be as thorough as I can analyze it. Not like other DVD review sits were they look at how the sound sounds, how it should sound, just how flawless it is, they just have way too much time on their hands. I got this DVD a few days ago. I just watched the first version and Alternate Theatrical Version, give a brief summary of both, and will be spoiler free. I was disappointed I didn't get the Best Buy exclusive Steelbook edition which they may have sold out already, but this edition is alright as well. Now on to the Review:
The Movie(s):
The two movies are great to watch. They are both, well, the same movie, but in actuality when you watch it with the different endings, they seem like completely different movies entirely. With the Theatrical version, the first half hour of the movie is really what brings people into the movie. Its a very quiet, but appropriate intro that builds up to more wonderment and curiosity to the audience as we witness about a few years after a deadly mutating virus has hit the planet. What was once a cure for cancer has gone terribly wrong killing millions in its wake. Robert Neville(Will Smith) is a lone survivor on New York City, the city being left in ruins and quarantined being cut off from civilization. Neville is a Military Scientist trying to find a cure from the mutating virus that has, what he believes, destroyed mankind excluding himself. Neville is somehow immune to the virus and tries to survive with his dog, who is yet to be affected by the virus. Now the virus, as we learn, not only kills people but turns them into vampire/zombies or as Neville call them "Dark Seekers" and calls the virus: Krippin Virus or KV (also named after Dr. Krippin whom created the cure, which turned deadly).
Now having read the book, there are lots of differences from the book from the movie, which bothers me a bit, but this is Francis Lawrence's remake of the book and movies. So inevitably their will be differences. The Dark Seekers, look too CGI-ish but works in a way that make them incredibly creepy. Now the ending of the Theatrical Version, is nothing like the book. Yet in only one way it is similar, but I also feel it doesn't have much importance to the meaning "I Am Legend."
Now with the Alternate Version they add about 4 minutes, with a few additional scenes, which works since they go back explaining things they didn't quite explain in the Theatrical Cut. Which of course, caused lots of confusion. Now with the ending, its just inches closer to the book. Not much, but they finally got the point with this one. Not exact, but close enough.
So depending on what way you want to look at the DVDs what I suggest is watch the Theatrical Version then the Alternative Version, if your someone intelligent enough to give the movie a chance at least, even if you don't like the Theatrical Version. If you only want to watch it once and want a good movie, then watch the Alternate Version. This is I believe the better version of Francis Lawrence's story.
Theatrical Version: 7.0
Alternate Version: 8.0 (New things make a huge difference)
Video: 8.0
Now on to the video. As most DVD movies are, they are clear and I believe is no reason to own a Blu-Ray anytime soon. Well some movies, I find disappointing and could have a clearer version; its just how they are supposed to look. Now with I Am Legend this isn't the case. The video is very clear, a hints of grainy-ness and such. I think a little too much CGI, or not enough detailed CGI (example: The lions at least). The lights and darks do go very well with the movie. When dark it is when the more scarier moments happen, so hold on to your butts.
Audio: 9.0
Both movies, although not slated, are presented with English, French, and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.0. this could have gone a bit better. Sure audio's great, but I hate to see movies worthy of DTS to have it missing. It would have gotten a perfect score with DTS.
Extras: 5.0
Yeah, this is the most regrettably, disappointing thing on this 2 disk set. Were's the extras? Sure we get the prequel comics and a digital download, but that's it? Where's the making of, commentary, and things like that? This is most disappointing, the menus don't even look appealing.
Pick up this DVD for it's Alternate Version and I'm sure you will have a good time with this movie. Prepared to be creeped out, scared, and even surprised with the Alternate cut.